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Peak Performance


Maintenance Makes Sense
Healing is a process, not an event. Your body will need time to return to normal after living out of balance.

Your body has “learned” to be misaligned. At first, muscle memory is inclined to return to what’s familiar and you will most likely not hold your adjustments very long. Typically, the first month or two of close observation and continued realignment is required for balance to return and stabilize. This is only natural and is nothing to worry about. Think of it as spinal conditioning. Much like going to the gym, repetition and persistence are required for long-term benefit. Stop going to the gym and the influence and benefit will be lost.

Depending on your age, the length of time you were subluxated, and the severity of that subluxation, you will need a series of corrective adjustments over several weeks to stabilize the spine and keep it in alignment. After stabilization is achieved, we suggest that you continue to have your spine checked on a regular basis. At first, this might be every month or so, but many patients hold their adjustments for considerable lengths of time. It is not unusual to hold an adjustment for several months once spinal stability and balance are restored.

These follow-up adjustments continue to use real-time assessments of your posture and nerve function. We’ll check the equality of your leg length, whether your hips and shoulders are remaining level and if you’re keeping your balance with gravity.  When necessary, we’ll adjust you, but you may go several visits without needing an adjustment.

Think of all this follow-up care as simple maintenance in much the same way as you visit the dentist for regular checkups. The idea is that prevention is cheaper—and, of course, healthier—than managing a crisis. At Peak Performance, our focus is on creating the condition for you to naturally maintain your health through your own body’s innate healing ability. And we know that it is easier for your body to do that with free and clear communication between your brain and body through an unobstructed nervous system.

Peak Performance suggests that once stability has been achieved you continue to have your spine checked for balance every few months. Stress in the form of  Trauma, Toxins, and negative Thoughts, will continue to work against you as you move through your daily life. No one holds an adjustment forever. Making sure that your spine is kept properly aligned even before symptoms show up will help prevent future crisis and support optimal body function.